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I can watch it again.KZ VS Yair, I can watch that last round, great fucking fight but that elbow bothers me a lot. Specially after the fact that they were hugging and giving respect to each other and then BOOM!! Weird Hellbow!! It kinda embarassing in a way I guess. Also I a super fan of both.Super fan of Jose Aldo, I can watching him lose.

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Images of actual people are fine: actors, musicians, athletes, politicians, celebrities, etc. So, for example, a portrait of Heath Ledger is OK, but not a portrait of Heath Ledger as The Joker. You may post in /r/fanart or one of the other large subs like /r/movies, /r/television, /r/comics, or /r/pics, or a sub dedicated to that subject.

Draft is infinitely better than blind at pretty much every level. Riot really should just give smite at lvl1 since the whole “I solo top” “I solo mid” is just dumb. I always see some poor soul try smiteless jg since they too afraid to double lane with toxic idiots.

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